Friday, August 31, 2007
FBI Spied on Dr. King's Widow

Is this why our civil rights leaders chose not to carry on the message that Dr. King was sending before he was assassinated? Is this why the only thing that is taught about Dr. King is the "I Have A Dream" Speech? Read On:
From AOL Blackvoices:
"ATLANTA (Aug. 30) - Federal agents spied on the widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. for several years after his assassination in 1968, according to newly released documents that reveal the FBI worried about her following in the footsteps of the slain civil rights icon.
In memos that reveal Coretta Scott King being closely followed by the government, the FBI noted concern that she might attempt "to tie the anti-Vietnam movement to the civil rights movement."
Four years after Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, the FBI closed its file on Coretta Scott King, saying, "No information has come to the attention of Atlanta which indicates a propensity for violence or affiliation of subversive elements," according to a memorandum dated Nov. 30, 1972." (Read More)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The BBG Report: "Hollywood Get Gangster"
Brooklyn Bizness Girl dishes Hollywood buzz in the week's edition of The BBG Report!

The new film starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe “American Gangster” had its share of Hollywood drama.
HHM sources reveal that the “gangster” film company, Universal, did some strong arming of its own.
In 2004 the original director of the film was Antoine Fuqua. Earlier reports stated that he left because of “creative differences.” HHM sources say that Fuqua requested 10 million dollars more to be invested in the film's production.
Universal denied Fuqua’s request and he was asked to step down.
The film was canceled.
BUT in 2006, Universal then brought in its own team lead by new director Ridley Scott, and rewrote the script (with its original writer).
Sources also revealed that Denzel was angered by Fuqua’s firing and threatened to leave. Universal pictures offered Denzel $15 to $20 million more dollars to stay on the film and also granted $10 million extra dollars to be invested in the film under Ridley Scott.
Its was also said that Denzel and co star Russell Crowe were not set buddies.
The final budget reached $150 million and all Antoine Fuqua wanted was $10 million more. That was a “gangsta” move.
Obviously budget concerns were not the real issue for Universal. Fuqua did direct Denzel in “Training Day” which won him an Oscar.
Maybe Denzel can put $10 million aside and do a Fuqua independent film - that would be hot.

T.I. also plays a pivotal role in the film along side Terrence Howard who plays Nicky Barnes, which the film is based on.
American Gangster hit theaters this November.
View The Trailer:

The new film starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe “American Gangster” had its share of Hollywood drama.
HHM sources reveal that the “gangster” film company, Universal, did some strong arming of its own.
In 2004 the original director of the film was Antoine Fuqua. Earlier reports stated that he left because of “creative differences.” HHM sources say that Fuqua requested 10 million dollars more to be invested in the film's production.
Universal denied Fuqua’s request and he was asked to step down.
Antoine Fuqua
At that time, Universal chairman Stacey Snider reported that the film was already 80 million dollars and feared that they wouldn’t recoup the money.The film was canceled.
BUT in 2006, Universal then brought in its own team lead by new director Ridley Scott, and rewrote the script (with its original writer).
Sources also revealed that Denzel was angered by Fuqua’s firing and threatened to leave. Universal pictures offered Denzel $15 to $20 million more dollars to stay on the film and also granted $10 million extra dollars to be invested in the film under Ridley Scott.
Its was also said that Denzel and co star Russell Crowe were not set buddies.
The final budget reached $150 million and all Antoine Fuqua wanted was $10 million more. That was a “gangsta” move.
Obviously budget concerns were not the real issue for Universal. Fuqua did direct Denzel in “Training Day” which won him an Oscar.
Maybe Denzel can put $10 million aside and do a Fuqua independent film - that would be hot.

T.I. also plays a pivotal role in the film along side Terrence Howard who plays Nicky Barnes, which the film is based on.
American Gangster hit theaters this November.
View The Trailer:
Throwback Thursday: MC Trouble & Troop
This was back when Motown was making a comeback. Who remembers MC Trouble? And who remembers The Good Girls? This used to be my favorite video on The Jubebox (later The Box). Tragically, MC Trouble died when she went into cardiac arrest after having a seizure. She was only 20 years old. This was her last video "Make You Mine".
I felt like adding another for nostalgia's sake....
Here's "Spread My Wings" by Troop
I felt like adding another for nostalgia's sake....
Here's "Spread My Wings" by Troop
Catching Up With ABC
Saw this posted on YouTube and had to share. Its Another Bad Creation - Chris, Mark, Red, Dave, Ro...and General Austin. Yes I remember all of their names, could probably tell you their last names, too and what they like thanks to FRESH! Magazine. But peep the clip and the new song. They're definitely not those bad ass little kids anymore and Lil Dave needs to holla, lol!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
"Keep Ya Head Up" : Pac Left Words Of Wisdom

Strictly For My Ladies that's making big things pop, and little things stop....
I know they like to beat ya down a lot
When you come around the block brothas clown a lot
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up
And when he tells you you ain't nuttin don't believe him
And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him
Cause sista you don't need him
And I ain't tryin to gas ya up, I just call em how I see em
You know it makes me unhappy (what's that)
When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up
Polow Da Don Is Right, But....

A Black Man with knowledge of self, would never claim the title "King of the White Girls."
He contridicted himself, but unlike Miss South Carolina, he worked his way out of it and made it all make sense.
I take pleasure that a Black man can openly admit he dates white girls. Its something our ancestors worked hard for.
But the assumption is too broad for my taste. It came off as a slap in the face to Black women who have their minds right and want a good man to cater to.
He made it seem like we weren't good enough. When its Black men who have dropped the ball in our community not Black women.
Black women will stand by their man to a fault. It's not about being submissive. We are taught to be a backbone. In whatever areas your man is weak, you are taught to be strong, and vice versa.
We don't question our men unless there is something to be questioned. 'Why are you coming in the house at 2am?', 'Why didn't you take the time to call?'. Its about being considerate of the relationship.
Everything else I basically agreed with. As for Oprah not having a man, that was news to me. I thought her and Stedman were still making it do what it do. But for real, what man can date Oprah?
Polow Da Don: The Truth and Nothing But (Read This)
Polow Da Don: Talks To Black Women (Read This)
If You're Pretty & Blonde, It's Okay To Be Dumb
Please watch this video. I completely understand being nervous, but Miss Teen South Carolina said her answer was a mistake.
This is what made Paris Hilton a star. Teach your children how to form a concise thought and the concept of the main idea.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Vick enters guilty plea, apologizes for his actions

Today, NFL star Michael Vick formally pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy and also accepted a deal with the federal government in hopes of a lenient sentence based on the charges stemming from his arrest for heading an illegal dogfighting operation.
In his plea, Vick admitted to funding the Bad Newz Kennels operation, although in his plea he did NOT admit to personally killing dogs that underperformed or gambling on individual fights.
Vick also held a news conference following the hearing to publicly apologize for his actions. Following his statement, he took no questions from reporters. He is scheduled for sentencing on December 10.
The Atlanta Falcons also announced that he will not be cut from the team. Good, I think he should leave on his own.
HHM would like to wish Michael Vick all the best. Personally, I don't want to see him go to jail. I think the public and media scrutiny has been enough hell for one person. He can't make a living and his name is mud, so why do people insist on him serving a maximum sentence? Enough already. How much blood do you want?
Let this treatment not be in vain. The next athlete or celebrity that breaks the law should be forced to endure the same. Why should one person's mistake be singled out? Lindsay Lohan's ass needs to be in jail and serving the maximum before she kills somebody. So this has to be the new standard and I'm serious. Break the law, lose your job. Its just that simple.
Meanwhile the saga continues.......NFL Star Abandons $350,000 car after he crashes it on the highway, we still haven't learned a damn thing. I mean it was left like a Hooptie. MY PEOPLE, WE DON'T HAVE IT LIKE THAT!!!(Story)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Weekend Fresh II: The Hip Hop Dream Team???
A HHM source says that after the Superfriends left the stage at Screamfest in New York this week, they skipped down the yellow brick road to the studio and recorded two songs. We will soon find out soon enough if this is indeed true. Hopefully it sounds better than it looked on video.
Let's Not Go There : Gillie v. Cassidy

This is something Philly didn't need right about now.
One of the main reasons, Philly is a damn barrel is this video clip right here.
Some fake ass Elie Seckbach just may have started beef between Gillie Da Kid and Cassidy. That was really lame of him.
Let me start by saying I respect both of them and I think they are both talented.
But if you want to be successful in the industry you have to leave the block, you have to leave the city, the state and the country. Otherwise, you're just local. Local doesn't work in Philly because its mostly crabs trying to pull you back down. Its an endless cycle.
Why do people get mad because you grow up and leave your momma's house? Grown ass men don't hang on corners unless they ain't about shit.
Let me tell you from first hand knowledge, 75th & Fayette is not some scary part of town. The niggas ain't starving. More than likely they still live at home with their mommas. Its just that type of neighborhood. People work everyday, people go to college. You have the negative elements just from peer pressure and people that can't handle the world outside, just with every working class neighborhood. Yes, there's drugs but not like it was back in 1988-1991.
I come from the most notorious corner in West Oak Lane (74th & Andrews) and even then, niggas wasn't built like that. They were always out to prove they were hard because our section of the city has a reputation for being soft because we're closer to the suburbs, have three bedroom houses, and driveways. Our parents worked had to give us a home and some of us just wanted to be fuck ups. But if you wanted to make it out, the door was much wider than it is in other sections of the city.
So what if Cassidy went to the best high school in Philadelphia! ThE industry is about selling records and that's keepin it real. His old style of rapping doesn't make money, so knowing that and knowing this is what you want to do and knowing your versatile enough to switch it up - I don't see the problem. I wouldn't say he sold his soul. The last time he hung with niggas he went to jail for murder. So yes, I'd rather see him at the strip club in ATL then hanging on the block.
But Cassidy was dumb for even feeding into it. He gave the creator of this DVD some ammunition to make our city more divided than it already it is. Mind you they're from Boston. How ironic is that?
Gillie knows Cassidy was right. If the roles were reversed what would he have said? He knows he's local. He's know the game. He knows Philly loves him. But its like Philly showed more love when that shit with Cash Money didn't work out and he was back grinding locally. He had to come at Lil Wayne to get on MTV.
Realistically, Gillie shouldn't be making mixtapes or talking shit on DVDs. He should also be walking red carpets and performing on Jimmy Kimmel,lol. But the game is so small and stagnant, it just makes me want to vomit. Let Cassidy have is moment without pulling him back down.
What type of small minded question was that anyway? Who do you fuck with from Philly? The answer from both of them should have been: I fucks with myself.
Like for real, if you don't fuck with Will Smith and Bill Cosby it doesn't matter.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Weekend Fresh: Aaliyah
Tomorrow will be six years to the exact the day August 25, 2001 that Aaliyah passed away. Just thought I post the video for "Try Again" one of my favorite songs by her.
What was your favorite song by Aaliyah? Leave Your Thoughts.....
What was your favorite song by Aaliyah? Leave Your Thoughts.....
Dogs seized in Vick raid likely to be euthanized
More than 50 pit bulls seized from Michael Vick’s property had to be claimed by Wednesday, or they would be euthanized.
“There’s no dispute over who owns the dogs,” said Daphna Nachminovitch, a spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “Obviously this is not going to be a process where someone steps forward and says, ‘This is my dog, can I have her back, please?’”
“These dogs are a ticking time bomb,” she said. “Rehabilitating fighting dogs is not in the cards. It’s widely accepted that euthanasia is the most humane thing for them.”
Marbury Does Not Support Dogfighting

It's one thing to know how to read. Its one thing to listen. But with both comprehension is the key.
Comprehension is Fundamental.
Stephon Marbury's comments were taken out of context. People have been reporting he backs Michael Vick and called dogfighting a sport. Sounds insensitive right? Makes a great story right?
But let's put the quote together.
"I think it's tough. I think, you know, we don't say anything
about people who shoot deer or shoot other animals. You know, from what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors."
He continues, "I think it's tough that we build Michael Vick up and then we break him down."
And finally says, "I think he's one of the superb athletes, and he's a good human being. I just think that he fell into a bad situation."
Nothing he said justified Michael Vick's actions. Nothing he said was false.
Dogfighting is a sport. But its behind closed doors because its illegal. He didn't say Vick was right.
If you know someone personally, would you call them a bad person because they made a mistake?
Illegal activity is a everyday occurence. We have shootings in broad daylight and open air drug traffic. Do you think dogfighting sits on the list of bad actions in the hood? Stephon is from Coney Island, Brooklyn, so you would probably find his sympathy between shit and syphillis. That's where mine is.
I'm saying its called a pitbull for a reason.
Pit - 1. a naturally formed or excavated hole or cavity in the ground 2. a covered or concealed excavation in the ground, serving as a trap.
Bull - of, pertaining to, or resembling a bull, as in strength
Pit Bull - A strong muscular terrier of an American breed with powerful jaws, a broad skull, and short hair, originally developed for dogfighting.
Today Marbury released a statement to clear up what he said on Monday for all you Special Ed students out there.
"What Michael Vick did was wrong, and he has admitted his guilt," Marbury said in a statement released by the Knicks to New York newspapers. "He should be punished. However, he should be given a second chance, as others have received for more serious crimes."
Everyone that is making sense about this situation is being viewed as a villain.
I am a bit biased being that I am Black and dogs seem to have had more rights than we have for years.
How many people get attacked by pitbulls, yet they don't change laws to protect humans?
One Night Only: Hip Hop History?
By now you heard about this historic moment when 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Diddy, Swizz Beats, and Kanye West bombarded the stage during T.I's performance at Screamfest on Wednesday at the Garden in New York.
History it was not. But it was great publicity. I've been to concerts where surprise guests would appear...I saw Aaliyah and Missy, Timbaland, Magoo, and Ginuwine came out back in 1997:) That made sense, they all rolled together.
It sounded like it was something special, but then I saw the video.
This display seemed more befitting of the all new Budweiser Superfest. Where is Bow Wow, Omarion, Chris Brown, and Marques Houston? Everybody on that stage is over 30 except for T.I. Run DMC never came through the "No Way Out" Tour and joined Puffy on stage. Damn, can a nucca have his moment in the spotlight without all of that mess.
For real, how much money was on that stage? And nobody bothered to make it rain? How rude?
History it was not. But it was great publicity. I've been to concerts where surprise guests would appear...I saw Aaliyah and Missy, Timbaland, Magoo, and Ginuwine came out back in 1997:) That made sense, they all rolled together.
It sounded like it was something special, but then I saw the video.
This display seemed more befitting of the all new Budweiser Superfest. Where is Bow Wow, Omarion, Chris Brown, and Marques Houston? Everybody on that stage is over 30 except for T.I. Run DMC never came through the "No Way Out" Tour and joined Puffy on stage. Damn, can a nucca have his moment in the spotlight without all of that mess.
For real, how much money was on that stage? And nobody bothered to make it rain? How rude?
The BBG Report - First Edition
Contributing blogger, Brooklyn Bizness Girl, gives you the rundown as only she could tell it!
50 Cent & Vivica Together Again? Not Exactly

Vivica A. Fox and 50 Cent both will premier new projects on September 11. The “B.A.P” sirloin steak releases his third record “Curtis” while his former arm candy will star in a new theatrical production, “Whatever She Wants.” These star crossed lovers premiering on the same day is only mere coincidence.
Vivica will be sharing the stage with a "near" all male cast of hunks-Boris Kodjoe, Richard “Shaft” Roundtree, and “Lil G” from Silk.
This could be more interesting than Kanye and Fifty - but not likely.
For "Whatever She Wants" Tour Dates (click here)
In other Curtis News.....
Has anyone notice the ring on 50’s ring finger?
In his latest pictures, interviews and videos, the obvious diamond studded, incrusted, probably platinum band has been on at all times. Hmm…who could it be? Or is it just another ploy to get us talking? In one clip he looks and fiddles with the ring as if he was the one that got proposed to. Interesting enough, after reading this, you will notice the ring. So let the 50 Cent ring searches begin. Check out video “The 50 Ring Finger Mystery” Video (click here)
Another Hip Hop Collabo with the NYPD
Rapper Saigon was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly carrying a gravity knife. Wondering what a “gravity” knife is? It’s a knife that requires just a push of a button and the blade releases. He was stopped by NYPD in the Chelsea area for a traffic violation. Possibly running through a light, not signaling, or “driving while Black,” the stop lead to a felony knife possession charge. Since he was booked, he probably spent some hours in holdings. He posted bail for $1,500 and is scheduled to appear in court this December.
If you ever wondered why you were so attracted to Kanye West here's the reason....

What do Kanye West and Brad Pitt have in common? Their mugs.
A recent study has shown that females are more attracted to “bull dog” faced males. Lead study author Eleanor Weston, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London says the scrunched brow and upper lip producing the “mini mugs” is said to possibly be most attractive and most likely to attract mates for reproduction.
"The evolution of facial appearance is central to understanding what makes men and women attractive to each other," Weston said. "We have found the distance between the lip and brow was probably immensely important to what made us attractive in the past, as it does now."
And who else is on the list of celebs who's mug is like a love potion - Will Smith, Justin Timberlake and Johnny Depp. Looking at a bull dog can now be a pleasure.
Check Brooklyn Bizness Girl on Myspace
50 Cent & Vivica Together Again? Not Exactly

Vivica A. Fox and 50 Cent both will premier new projects on September 11. The “B.A.P” sirloin steak releases his third record “Curtis” while his former arm candy will star in a new theatrical production, “Whatever She Wants.” These star crossed lovers premiering on the same day is only mere coincidence.
Vivica will be sharing the stage with a "near" all male cast of hunks-Boris Kodjoe, Richard “Shaft” Roundtree, and “Lil G” from Silk.
This could be more interesting than Kanye and Fifty - but not likely.
For "Whatever She Wants" Tour Dates (click here)
In other Curtis News.....
Has anyone notice the ring on 50’s ring finger?
In his latest pictures, interviews and videos, the obvious diamond studded, incrusted, probably platinum band has been on at all times. Hmm…who could it be? Or is it just another ploy to get us talking? In one clip he looks and fiddles with the ring as if he was the one that got proposed to. Interesting enough, after reading this, you will notice the ring. So let the 50 Cent ring searches begin. Check out video “The 50 Ring Finger Mystery” Video (click here)
Another Hip Hop Collabo with the NYPD
Rapper Saigon was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly carrying a gravity knife. Wondering what a “gravity” knife is? It’s a knife that requires just a push of a button and the blade releases. He was stopped by NYPD in the Chelsea area for a traffic violation. Possibly running through a light, not signaling, or “driving while Black,” the stop lead to a felony knife possession charge. Since he was booked, he probably spent some hours in holdings. He posted bail for $1,500 and is scheduled to appear in court this December.
If you ever wondered why you were so attracted to Kanye West here's the reason....

What do Kanye West and Brad Pitt have in common? Their mugs.
A recent study has shown that females are more attracted to “bull dog” faced males. Lead study author Eleanor Weston, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London says the scrunched brow and upper lip producing the “mini mugs” is said to possibly be most attractive and most likely to attract mates for reproduction.
"The evolution of facial appearance is central to understanding what makes men and women attractive to each other," Weston said. "We have found the distance between the lip and brow was probably immensely important to what made us attractive in the past, as it does now."
And who else is on the list of celebs who's mug is like a love potion - Will Smith, Justin Timberlake and Johnny Depp. Looking at a bull dog can now be a pleasure.
Check Brooklyn Bizness Girl on Myspace
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
My Drink and My Two Step....And a bit of Chocolate Rain
Let's state for the record, HHM has joined the Tay Zonday Fan Club. This man with the Michael Jackson meets Steve Urkel looks is the bomb. He's a poet. Check out his latest video here "The Only Way":
And if you've been under a rock here's "Chocolate Rain":
I'll be referring back to that after the break....
So Rev. Pimp Juice's rep hit David Banner with the one two punch. Last week some time, Mr. Banner got in that ass and called Pimp Juice for what he really was over on Well his rep responded with some off the wall shit.
Once upon telling someone to "suck your dick" was the ultimate insult. Now its some homo shit? I really didn't understand the response or where it came from.
"From time to time we do encounter people that have sexual fantasies about Reverend Pimp Juice, but they are always women and Crump's proposition is a first."
I guess in their effort of trying to be smart they thought this comeback was tight.
"I am sure Rev. Pimp Juice would not call Crump (Banner's real name) the "N" "B" or "H" word ... [but] despite Crump's personal request, I am sure Reverend Pimp Juice would not call him a f-g--t."
"Chocolate Rain
Seldom mentioned on the radio
Chocolate Rain
Its the fear your leaders call control"
This was just sick. And the rain pours.
I was also a bit disturbed by reports that Michael Jackson is homeless.
"Chocolate Rain
Build a tent and say the world is dry
Chocolate Rain
Zoom the camera out and see the lie"
Its been a week since I posted the STOP VICK DOG CHEW TOYS PETITION .
As of today, I have 18 signatures.
"Chocolate Rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
chocolate Rain
The judge and jury swear it's not the face"
So I'm reading Jason Whitlock's Real Talk column. He's moved from AOL, to the bigger plantation on I never knew he called Rutgers head coach, Vivian Stringer, Nelson Womandela. Is being called Nelson Mandela is an insult?
He tries so hard. Maybe you caught him on Oprah doing the town hall meeting on Hip Hop or read his column about All Star Weekend in Las Vegas. He called it a Black KKK rally. I wouldn't call him an Uncle Tom, though. If you know the history behind Uncle Tom, you would know he's not worthy of the title. I would only say he tries hard because you can truly see he caters to a white audience but he doesn't to completely loose his soul.
Also I was reading Gilbert Arenas' blog over at which I love. He definitely needs a Q & A section because I find myself wanting to raise my hand from time to time.
Here was the passage in question, maybe you caught on:
Discuss amongst yourselves.....Gilbert managed to work his way out of HAM status, now he needs to get hit with some of that Chocolate Rain!
Til' next time!
And if you've been under a rock here's "Chocolate Rain":
I'll be referring back to that after the break....
So Rev. Pimp Juice's rep hit David Banner with the one two punch. Last week some time, Mr. Banner got in that ass and called Pimp Juice for what he really was over on Well his rep responded with some off the wall shit.
Once upon telling someone to "suck your dick" was the ultimate insult. Now its some homo shit? I really didn't understand the response or where it came from.
"From time to time we do encounter people that have sexual fantasies about Reverend Pimp Juice, but they are always women and Crump's proposition is a first."
I guess in their effort of trying to be smart they thought this comeback was tight.
"I am sure Rev. Pimp Juice would not call Crump (Banner's real name) the "N" "B" or "H" word ... [but] despite Crump's personal request, I am sure Reverend Pimp Juice would not call him a f-g--t."
"Chocolate Rain
Seldom mentioned on the radio
Chocolate Rain
Its the fear your leaders call control"
This was just sick. And the rain pours.
I was also a bit disturbed by reports that Michael Jackson is homeless.
"Chocolate Rain
Build a tent and say the world is dry
Chocolate Rain
Zoom the camera out and see the lie"
Its been a week since I posted the STOP VICK DOG CHEW TOYS PETITION .
As of today, I have 18 signatures.
"Chocolate Rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
chocolate Rain
The judge and jury swear it's not the face"
So I'm reading Jason Whitlock's Real Talk column. He's moved from AOL, to the bigger plantation on I never knew he called Rutgers head coach, Vivian Stringer, Nelson Womandela. Is being called Nelson Mandela is an insult?
He tries so hard. Maybe you caught him on Oprah doing the town hall meeting on Hip Hop or read his column about All Star Weekend in Las Vegas. He called it a Black KKK rally. I wouldn't call him an Uncle Tom, though. If you know the history behind Uncle Tom, you would know he's not worthy of the title. I would only say he tries hard because you can truly see he caters to a white audience but he doesn't to completely loose his soul.
Also I was reading Gilbert Arenas' blog over at which I love. He definitely needs a Q & A section because I find myself wanting to raise my hand from time to time.
Here was the passage in question, maybe you caught on:
"I’m letting Nick Young rent out one of my houses. It’s not all about being nice to a rookie, he’ll help me pay off what I owe!
It was an empty house because my daughter lives with me now. She doesn’t need a whole place to herself. The family is with me now."
Discuss amongst yourselves.....Gilbert managed to work his way out of HAM status, now he needs to get hit with some of that Chocolate Rain!
Til' next time!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Press Release: BUZ Interactive Unveils First-Ever Web 2.0 Podcast Mixtape
PALO ALTO, CA (August 7, 2007) - BUZ Interactive, an innovator in mobile personalization services, today unveiled the first Web 2.0 podcast mixtape: Step Yo Game Up, Training Day # 1.
Several podcasts will feature tracks from multi-platinum artists over the next 2 weeks and will be integrated into a mixtape to be made available the end of August. The mixtape will be the first to feature user generated content (UGC) contributed by consumers who can call a number (found on to record a voice message or freestyle. The podcast mixtape will also include words of wisdom from hood ambassadors Ant Lava AKA Mr more Famous and OG Daddy V, and author, analyst and Web 2.0 futurist, Joyce A. Schwarz.
BUZ Interactive is the company behind the popular new GETaBUZ service where users can combine their favorite songs with their voice to create custom voicemail greetings for their cell phone or to send to someone else's cell voicemail. BUZ is using the mixtape not only as a promotional vehicle for the GETaBUZ service but also as a platform to demonstrate how technology and music can be combined in creative ways to create new opportunities for brands and artists.
Mixtapes have already established themselves as powerful promotional tools from the streets to corporate suites. Until now, however, they have not embraced the interactivity and dynamic nature of user-generated content. “We broke new ground for the mobile personalization industry earlier this year with the GETaBUZ service and now we're taking that innovation to a new level with a mixtape series that entertains, educates and encourages participation by consumers,” says Steve Ehrlich, VP Marketing at BUZ Interactive.
The podcast mixtape series is available online at
A mashup of the podcast series will be distributed through various entertainment and promotional mediums and at events in different geographies.
To make a recording for potential inclusion on the mixtape, visit for the phone number to call.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Echoing Soundz Echo Hattix Skype: getabuzecho
Several podcasts will feature tracks from multi-platinum artists over the next 2 weeks and will be integrated into a mixtape to be made available the end of August. The mixtape will be the first to feature user generated content (UGC) contributed by consumers who can call a number (found on to record a voice message or freestyle. The podcast mixtape will also include words of wisdom from hood ambassadors Ant Lava AKA Mr more Famous and OG Daddy V, and author, analyst and Web 2.0 futurist, Joyce A. Schwarz.
BUZ Interactive is the company behind the popular new GETaBUZ service where users can combine their favorite songs with their voice to create custom voicemail greetings for their cell phone or to send to someone else's cell voicemail. BUZ is using the mixtape not only as a promotional vehicle for the GETaBUZ service but also as a platform to demonstrate how technology and music can be combined in creative ways to create new opportunities for brands and artists.
Mixtapes have already established themselves as powerful promotional tools from the streets to corporate suites. Until now, however, they have not embraced the interactivity and dynamic nature of user-generated content. “We broke new ground for the mobile personalization industry earlier this year with the GETaBUZ service and now we're taking that innovation to a new level with a mixtape series that entertains, educates and encourages participation by consumers,” says Steve Ehrlich, VP Marketing at BUZ Interactive.
The podcast mixtape series is available online at
A mashup of the podcast series will be distributed through various entertainment and promotional mediums and at events in different geographies.
To make a recording for potential inclusion on the mixtape, visit for the phone number to call.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Echoing Soundz Echo Hattix Skype: getabuzecho
Vick Dog Chew Toy -- You Be The Judge

The Official "Vick"Chew Toy
Let your dog begin chewing today!
Is it different you ask? You bet it is! The Vick Dog Chew Toy is made of state of the art "dog" material. The Vick Toy Doll is so strong and flexible, it will challenge every breed. Especially The Pit Bull.Unlike Vick, our manufacturer is so sure of its durability they guarantee it against the most playful dog destruction. It Bends. It Bounces. It Flies. It Floats. And best of all, it lasts through the whole season and more!
Get Your Official Vick Dog Chew Toy today!
So is this a harmlesss "promotional item" or a "racist collectible"?
While I don't find boobleheads or actual sports collectible memorabilia bearing a player's likeness offensive, will giving your dog a black doll to chew influence your dog to attack a black face?
It was common practice during Jim Crow to not only discriminate with White Only, Colored Only Signs and brute force, but also through everday household items, soap boxes, clocks, cookie jars, ashtrays, jewelry, etc.
Proceeds from the sales of this "product" will benefit the cause of animal rights. Again I ask about human rights.
Michael Vick did not invent "dog fighting" but he has become the poster child of this brutal illegal sport that has existed for centuries.
And when I think of a dog chewing this toy, I think of the black flesh dogs were trained to sic during slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights era. I refuse to believe the manufacturers of this product did not find comfort in knowing they could get away with this. For Now!
Update: Sign the petition to stop dog chew toys bearing the likeness of Michael Vick. Its not sports marketing. Its racism!
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