From vickdogchewtoy.com
The Official "Vick"Chew Toy
Let your dog begin chewing today!
Is it different you ask? You bet it is! The Vick Dog Chew Toy is made of state of the art "dog" material. The Vick Toy Doll is so strong and flexible, it will challenge every breed. Especially The Pit Bull.Unlike Vick, our manufacturer is so sure of its durability they guarantee it against the most playful dog destruction. It Bends. It Bounces. It Flies. It Floats. And best of all, it lasts through the whole season and more!
Get Your Official Vick Dog Chew Toy today!
So is this a harmlesss "promotional item" or a "racist collectible"?
While I don't find boobleheads or actual sports collectible memorabilia bearing a player's likeness offensive, will giving your dog a black doll to chew influence your dog to attack a black face?
It was common practice during Jim Crow to not only discriminate with White Only, Colored Only Signs and brute force, but also through everday household items, soap boxes, clocks, cookie jars, ashtrays, jewelry, etc.
Proceeds from the sales of this "product" will benefit the cause of animal rights. Again I ask about human rights.
Michael Vick did not invent "dog fighting" but he has become the poster child of this brutal illegal sport that has existed for centuries.
And when I think of a dog chewing this toy, I think of the black flesh dogs were trained to sic during slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights era. I refuse to believe the manufacturers of this product did not find comfort in knowing they could get away with this. For Now!
Update: Sign the petition to stop dog chew toys bearing the likeness of Michael Vick. Its not sports marketing. Its racism!