This is something Philly didn't need right about now.
One of the main reasons, Philly is a damn barrel is this video clip right here.
Some fake ass Elie Seckbach just may have started beef between Gillie Da Kid and Cassidy. That was really lame of him.
Let me start by saying I respect both of them and I think they are both talented.
But if you want to be successful in the industry you have to leave the block, you have to leave the city, the state and the country. Otherwise, you're just local. Local doesn't work in Philly because its mostly crabs trying to pull you back down. Its an endless cycle.
Why do people get mad because you grow up and leave your momma's house? Grown ass men don't hang on corners unless they ain't about shit.
Let me tell you from first hand knowledge, 75th & Fayette is not some scary part of town. The niggas ain't starving. More than likely they still live at home with their mommas. Its just that type of neighborhood. People work everyday, people go to college. You have the negative elements just from peer pressure and people that can't handle the world outside, just with every working class neighborhood. Yes, there's drugs but not like it was back in 1988-1991.
I come from the most notorious corner in West Oak Lane (74th & Andrews) and even then, niggas wasn't built like that. They were always out to prove they were hard because our section of the city has a reputation for being soft because we're closer to the suburbs, have three bedroom houses, and driveways. Our parents worked had to give us a home and some of us just wanted to be fuck ups. But if you wanted to make it out, the door was much wider than it is in other sections of the city.
So what if Cassidy went to the best high school in Philadelphia! ThE industry is about selling records and that's keepin it real. His old style of rapping doesn't make money, so knowing that and knowing this is what you want to do and knowing your versatile enough to switch it up - I don't see the problem. I wouldn't say he sold his soul. The last time he hung with niggas he went to jail for murder. So yes, I'd rather see him at the strip club in ATL then hanging on the block.
But Cassidy was dumb for even feeding into it. He gave the creator of this DVD some ammunition to make our city more divided than it already it is. Mind you they're from Boston. How ironic is that?
Gillie knows Cassidy was right. If the roles were reversed what would he have said? He knows he's local. He's know the game. He knows Philly loves him. But its like Philly showed more love when that shit with Cash Money didn't work out and he was back grinding locally. He had to come at Lil Wayne to get on MTV.
Realistically, Gillie shouldn't be making mixtapes or talking shit on DVDs. He should also be walking red carpets and performing on Jimmy Kimmel,lol. But the game is so small and stagnant, it just makes me want to vomit. Let Cassidy have is moment without pulling him back down.
What type of small minded question was that anyway? Who do you fuck with from Philly? The answer from both of them should have been: I fucks with myself.
Like for real, if you don't fuck with Will Smith and Bill Cosby it doesn't matter.