Friday, November 30, 2007
Florida police arrest four in Sean Taylor slaying
Police in Florida arrested four men on Friday in connection with the murder of Sean Taylor, a star defensive player with the National Football League's Washington Redskins.
Four young men, one of whom was under 20, were arrested after tips led police to them in the Fort Myers area, on Florida's Gulf coast, a police spokeswoman said.
(Read More)
"My Night At The Grammys" Was Horrible!!!!
The top 5 included Shania Twain, Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera (singing James Brown from March 2007), and Celine Dion.
Anytime Michael Jackson performs he is never not #1.
And there was no mention of Lauryn Hill at all. Someone please tell me I missed that part! I refuse to believe there was no mention of Lauryn's record breaking win. And I swear the 70s, 80s, and 90s (up until 1998) were wiped out. There were only 2 moments from the 80s, MJ & Tina Turner.
Next time, don't have 20 year old interns come up with the ballot list. The majority of the performances came from 2004-2007. At least, can we get something we hadn't seen in a while? I was better off looking on YouTube.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Whitlock: "The Black KKK claimed another victim, a high-profile professional football player....."
Here's a snippet:
"The Black KKK claimed another victim, a high-profile professional football player with a checkered past this time.
No, we don't know for certain the circumstances surrounding Taylor's death. I could very well be proven wrong for engaging in this sort of aggressive speculation. But it's no different than if you saw a fat man fall to the ground clutching his chest. You'd assume a heart attack, and you'd know, no matter the cause, the man needed to lose weight. Well, when shots are fired and a black man hits the pavement, there's every statistical reason to believe another black man pulled the trigger. That's not some negative, unfair stereotype. It's a reality we've been living with, tolerating and rationalizing for far too long."
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
MV2.0 & The Source Magazine "Share The Studio" with Swizz Beatz Contest

Gone Too Soon: NFL Player Sean Taylor Dies

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Weekend Fresh II: Vote for the Black President

No not in that race, ya'll know I'm Team Hillary.
Weekend Fresh: Teen Actress/Singer KeKe Palmer Set to Portray Roxanne Shante in film, 'The Vapors'

The film is set to be directed by Furqaan Clover, who also did the Wendy Williams biopic.
I've been reading a lot of negativity over on the BV Blogs about this film. I take it comes from the step-children of Hip Hop. Those who had to stay on the steps as kids and whose parents forbade them to listen or go out to parties. I was in elementary school during this time and I loved the Juice Crew and Roxanne Shante especially because she was a female. So anybody who can't respect this film being made or who thinks KeKe Palmer will ruin her career for taking this role is an idiot. People are entitled to their opinion, but not when they have no ground to stand on. That's when you sound stupid. Our stories need to be told. Plus its work for all these Black actors out here. That's just my 2 cent. Hate it or Love it!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Beauty & Fashionistas Have A New Networking Site

2007 American Black Film Festival Award Winners

HBO Short Film Award, Presented by HBO
The Second Coming, directed by Ya'ke
Audience Award for Best U.S. Feature presented by Blockbuster
I'm through with White Girls directed by Jennifer Sharp
Heineken Red Star Award for Creativity
South of Pico directed by Ernst Gossner
Allstate Beyond February "Be Reel Contest Winner, Presented by Allstate
Give along the way, written and directed by Alrick Brown
Best Documentary (tie)
Black to our Roots, directed by Tre "Subira" Whitlow
Prince Among Slaves, directed by Andrea Kalin & Bill Duke Director of Re-Creations
Grand Jury Prize for Best Screenplay presented by Allstate
The Mannsfield 12 written by Alton Glass
Grand Jury Prize for Best Actor
Henry Simmons
Grand Jury Prize for Best Director
Craig Ross, Jr.
Grand Jury Prize for Best Picture, Presented by Kodak
South of Pico directed by Ernst Gossner
The ABFF, cofounded by Jeff Friday in 1997, is a property of Film Life, Inc., a New York-based film marketing and distribution company. Its mission is to spearhead the global distribution of quality Black films and be the leading American brand producing Black movies, television, events and digital content. Film Life's key properties include the American Black Film Festival (; The Black Movie Awards on TNT (; and the ABFF DVD Series (, a partnership with Warner Home Video.
For more information visit:
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Help Support Katrina Survivors Who Want to Return Home!!!

Stand up and let your voice be heard. This could be you!
Imagine you wanted to go home and couldn't afford to or because your city didn't want you to come back or make a way for you to come back....that's real talk..and we say slavery is over, but WE STILL continue to suffer from the aftermath.
I don't care how much money, fame or degrees you may have, if you are Black, this could be you. Whatever we have, could be gone tomorrow and you would want to have the support of your family, community, or whoever could be of service.
All you have to do is read about this bill going up in Congress, click on the link, fill in your information, and your state Senator's office will get your email. Its that easy and simple!!!!
Dear Friends,
Finally, there's a bill in Congress that would help some of the hardest hit Katrina survivors come back home. Unfortunately, it is about to die because some members of the Senate think it's fine for certain New Orleanians--specifically those who are Black and poor--to be shut out of the city.
I just called on my senators to support the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act of 2007 (S. 1668). It would re-open desperately needed housing and make sure there is no loss of affordable public housing in New Orleans. Please join me by contacting your senators and check out powerful videos about the housing situation in New Orleans created by Brave New Foundation and as part of the Voices from the Gulf Project. It takes just a moment:
Saving Affordable Housing in New Orleans
New Orleans public housing residents have been fighting for over two years to return to apartments that were minimally damaged by the storm. But the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has shut them out, because it wants to demolish most of the available public housing units--and replace them with far fewer mixed-income housing.[1] The vast majority of the most affordable public housing units, pushing thousands of mostly Black low-income residents out of the city.
S.1668 honors the right to return of all New Orleans public housing residents. It requires the re-opening of at least 3,000 public housing units and ensures that there is no net loss of units available and affordable to public housing residents. It also designates $1.7 billion for rental housing assistance and earmarks millions for community development programs, which will benefit an even larger segment of the lower income population. But the bill is in danger of dying -- because some senators are opposed to preserving affordable public housing.
Find out more about this organization, the bill, and how you can become involved here.
Weekend Fresh: The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome Returns & In Case You Missed It
As far as the witch hunt to cut off Barry Bonds' balls, honestly, I am just tired of seeing things play out like this.
A positive steroid test from 2001? Oh come on!
When did this magically appear?
Its 2007, don't think he's on steroids now.
Saying you were not aware of something, is not lying, if you were not aware of it.
Having initials on a piece of paper is not proof...Barry Bonds....Bobby Brown...Billy Blanks.
His trainer being released from prison is not proof of wrong doing and it is not proof he's going to drop a dime if there is a dime to drop.
All of these things are being done to make Bonds, pull a Marion Jones.
Well don't let them break you, Barry. These people have had it in for you for so long and this was all they could get. The declarations about your arrogant attitude, didn't do it.
I guess a man isn't allowed to gain weight anymore. He's supposed to look the same way at 23 and 43.

I only ask who are the alleged other players that get to keep their names out of the spotlight? I want the full list and I want the proof. If someone would be evil enough to give a woman the date rape drug, I wouldn't put it pass someone to give an athlete some an undectable steroid formula and tell him that its a supplement to get them hooked.
If only Barry Bonds were white. So many people like to pretend that their perceptions are not shaped by racism, when sometimes, indeed they are. This is not a statement that goes across the board but it applies in a lot of ways. The accusations about Barry Bonds never went away. So even if he did use steroids, when? It couldn't have been during the years following the investigation. Did the Giants know? Did MLB know about this alleged positive test from 2001? Of course, the Giants made their money and then tossed him as only a good slave owner would. MLB is tainted and its not because of Barry Bonds, its because the entire system let the integrity of the game get lost in pursuit of billions of dollars. Dollars that Barry Bonds help generate. Dollars that Pete Rose help generate. Two great players that belong in the Hall Of Fame.
Hate it OR Love It.....
In Case You Missed It:
- Sixers Owner Ed Snider wants the fans to come back. Attendance has been disappointingly low. Its damn near empty. I say, give out some free tickets for selected games. No one should be spending money to see the Sixers, maybe the visiting team, but not the Sixers. Really, what did he expect? The fans were there to see Allen Iverson and that's about it. At least you would be guaranteed a good game or a great show from the real A.I.
- Its time to vote for the NBA All-Star Game.
- Reason you should never pick your own nickname: You call yourself Nacho.
For more sports opinions visit The Girl's Locker Room
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Donda West, Noted Scholar And Kanye's Mother, Dies At 58

Photo: Vince Bucci/Getty Images
Weekend Fresh: Droppin Some Pearls
Friday, November 9, 2007
Can't Forget About You
I can't wait for Jay-Z to retire for good. He's getting on my nerves. Yes, I finally said it out loud. Pass the torch already. Marry Beyonce while your at it. These 40 year olds are holding the 80 babies back, with all this Neverland/Peter Pan, don't want to grow up state of mind. Look its time to move on, already!
I also can't wait for Nas' album to drop. I'm going to buy it just because of the title. I don't even listen to my Nas' albums except for "Illmatic" and that's on cassette. Some things I love listening to on tape for nostalgia's sake. I still don't have an Ipod, but I do have a Sansa mp3 player, that I love so much.
My plug: Be sure to check out my blog over on FoxSports. If you have a hotmail or msn account, its a breeze. Click the banner in the sidebar and sign in. I just wrote a Randomness segments entitled: On These Streets of Philly - talking about our homicide rates, Eagles Coach Andy Reid's family drama, and defaming the nickname of one A.I.