The film is set to be directed by Furqaan Clover, who also did the Wendy Williams biopic.
I've been reading a lot of negativity over on the BV Blogs about this film. I take it comes from the step-children of Hip Hop. Those who had to stay on the steps as kids and whose parents forbade them to listen or go out to parties. I was in elementary school during this time and I loved the Juice Crew and Roxanne Shante especially because she was a female. So anybody who can't respect this film being made or who thinks KeKe Palmer will ruin her career for taking this role is an idiot. People are entitled to their opinion, but not when they have no ground to stand on. That's when you sound stupid. Our stories need to be told. Plus its work for all these Black actors out here. That's just my 2 cent. Hate it or Love it!!!