As far as the witch hunt to cut off Barry Bonds' balls, honestly, I am just tired of seeing things play out like this.
A positive steroid test from 2001? Oh come on!
When did this magically appear?
Its 2007, don't think he's on steroids now.
Saying you were not aware of something, is not lying, if you were not aware of it.
Having initials on a piece of paper is not proof...Barry Bonds....Bobby Brown...Billy Blanks.
His trainer being released from prison is not proof of wrong doing and it is not proof he's going to drop a dime if there is a dime to drop.
All of these things are being done to make Bonds, pull a Marion Jones.
Well don't let them break you, Barry. These people have had it in for you for so long and this was all they could get. The declarations about your arrogant attitude, didn't do it.
I guess a man isn't allowed to gain weight anymore. He's supposed to look the same way at 23 and 43.

I only ask who are the alleged other players that get to keep their names out of the spotlight? I want the full list and I want the proof. If someone would be evil enough to give a woman the date rape drug, I wouldn't put it pass someone to give an athlete some an undectable steroid formula and tell him that its a supplement to get them hooked.
If only Barry Bonds were white. So many people like to pretend that their perceptions are not shaped by racism, when sometimes, indeed they are. This is not a statement that goes across the board but it applies in a lot of ways. The accusations about Barry Bonds never went away. So even if he did use steroids, when? It couldn't have been during the years following the investigation. Did the Giants know? Did MLB know about this alleged positive test from 2001? Of course, the Giants made their money and then tossed him as only a good slave owner would. MLB is tainted and its not because of Barry Bonds, its because the entire system let the integrity of the game get lost in pursuit of billions of dollars. Dollars that Barry Bonds help generate. Dollars that Pete Rose help generate. Two great players that belong in the Hall Of Fame.
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In Case You Missed It:
- Sixers Owner Ed Snider wants the fans to come back. Attendance has been disappointingly low. Its damn near empty. I say, give out some free tickets for selected games. No one should be spending money to see the Sixers, maybe the visiting team, but not the Sixers. Really, what did he expect? The fans were there to see Allen Iverson and that's about it. At least you would be guaranteed a good game or a great show from the real A.I.
- Its time to vote for the NBA All-Star Game.
- Reason you should never pick your own nickname: You call yourself Nacho.
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