This one is dedicated to Clifford Harris aka. T.I ....
When is enough, ENOUGH?
How many lives have to be destroyed before anyone gets it.
And to make matters worse, someone had the nerve to start a petition so that T.I. can make bond.
What the hell does platinum selling artist need with an assload of guns? It makes me wonder if he was doing more than just rapping. It makes me wonder if these guns were going to eventually end up on the street used in other crimes against humanity.
Give me something to believe in.
A petition so that this fool can make bond for being stupid. Get serious!!! We can do better.
It's not like T.I has never been convicted before, but damn was the lesson ever learned in exhange for the blessing? Seems not.
I'm just tired of people being put into positions to do better and they fuck it up. And its not like they didn't know the outcome.
Then as fans, we are expected to blindly support them.
It can't happen.
In this case, T.I really had me believing he upgraded his life. But it was all just a pretty picture, not much underneath the surface. I really thought he had himself on point, but this was just stupid.
And dare I say....SAD!
So can all the fuck ups move out the way for people that will actually do right by the blessing. I mean damn.
It's time to wake up!
We only get so many chances.
In other news:
Why in the hell were the students from the Jena 6 case at the BET Hip Hop Awards? So kids who beat up classmates get a bigger stage to still be wrong?
This week's power phrase --- Wrong is Wrong. I don't care who did it!