Twelve from a field of 906 home-grown rock and popular bands have been named and the most deserving performers will compete in this year's 7-Eleven® and Slurpee® Battle of the Bands (BOTB) contest which kicked off on July 11 (7-Eleven stores' recognized birthday). The remaining tour dates may be of interest to readers of HHM. You can check out B.o.B and N.E.R.D for $7.11 (plus the $6 and some change surcharge for Live Nation). Click the links to be directed to the Live Nation ticket page.
Dallas - B.o.B - Aug. 6 at 7 pm CT at The House of Blues
New York City - N.E.R.D - Aug. 16th at 8 pm ET at Irving Plaza
Both shows will be available to watch live online Slurpee's Facebook fanpage (www.facebook.com/Slurpee).
via Hip Hop Press