
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Musings...

"If 2pac and Eazy-E were alive today, Lady Gaga would work at McDonalds." - Random YouTube comment I thought was funny.

Whoever wrote that must be fed up with GaGa. I for one am not. I think she's awesome. If it wasn't for Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, and Madonna, then just maybe Lady GaGa would be a cool ass music teacher in a New York City private school. The woman does have tremendous talent and is a bit overqualified for McDonald's unless she was managing it or maybe working at the headquarters (she's great at marketing). McDonald's is a company that will probably never go out of business.

I have to admit my panties have been in a bunch lately...just saying. Could've been that Mercury retrograde business or realizing I'm 2 months away from turning 30 years old and all that talk 10 years ago about where do I see myself in 10 years is null and void. So I will no longer partake in those conversations or answer those dumb questions that ask where do you see yourself in 3, 5, or 10 years? Let alone answer that upon first meeting someone and if you're reading you should stop asking. Its a dumb question because you never know what tomorrow will bring or even 5 minutes from now.

Success should never be based on what school you get into/went to, a career path or the amount of money you make. It should be based on who you are as a person, how good you treat yourself and others. Success that is measured by worldly and material things is a cess pool that will suck the life out of you. 10 years ago I didn't understand that sentiment nor did I care. I was a college student with multi-million dollar dreams and a broke reality. Today I am life's student with multi-million dollar dreams and a 'It doesn't take much, I have what I need' reality. I want millions so I can create change because causes cost money. This is all apart of growing up and learning to live your best life. You must realize how much bullshit filters through your mind on a daily basis and even at a much faster pace now with the added additions of social media.

We keep tabs on people we don't even know and those we probably never thought we would hear from again after high school graduation. True Story: I have Facebook friends I went to high school with and I can't recall ever having a conversation during those four years. So why are we connected on Facebook these many years later? I feel obliged to tell you 'congrats on your new job or baby', 'happy birthday', and 'have fun in designated vacation spot'. Why do I have lifelong friends from the college I transferred from after two years and none from the college I graduated from? This is something I just thought about. Oh yeah that was on purpose, LOL.

At 30, do we really care what celebrities are doing in their daily lives? All I've learned is how mis-educated most of them are and they have no desire to improve themselves outside of hitting the club to make that doe. That sounds like a slave. Its a shame so many of us look to celebrities to make us happy. They're NOT who they portray themselves to be. I love to hear that a certain celebs are assholes because at least they are being true to who they are. We all wear masks at one time or another. I just think I'm at the point where I want to take my mask off for good, throw it away and just be free to be me.