Are you banging your head against a wall trying to stay awake so you can get everything done? I know I keep some late nights and it never seems to be enough time to get everything done.
Stephanie J. Hale, CEO of the Millionaire Bootcamp for Women and author of Millionaire Women, Millionaire You in the UK, shares 3 tricks to help with your time management:
1. Remember that things don't have to be perfect.
Remind yourself what your goals are. Decide what needs
to be 'excellent', and what can be just 'good' or 'ok'.
Put your effort into the things that matter most and spend
less time on the insignificant stuff.
2. Hire a Virtual Assistant.
Professional freelancers can quickly and easily be hired at
Elance.com. Many of them work for fees ranging from $1-$15 per
hour. If you want to be 100% certain you're hiring the right
person, give them a small 'test job' to do first.
3. Give yourself quiet time.
Go for a walk, listen to music or take a bike ride. These quiet
periods - even if they only last for a quarter of an hour - will
help to give you a fresh perspective on what you need to do to
achieve your goals. Sometimes you get so lost in
busyness, that you lose sight of where you're heading.
Note: If you need #2 let's talk!
To learn more about Stephanie J. Hale, The Millionaire Boot Camp for Women and to receive correspondence click here.