For those thinking of traveling to the nation's capital next month for the inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama, here is a great site to check out to see what's happening and how you can take part (party) during this historic time in our lives.
Powered by eVIPList.com, InaugurationEventsDC.com is loaded with events that fill the entire inauguration week Friday, January 16 to Wednesday, January 21, 2009. The actual inauguration is on January 20th.
One of the highlighted events is the Hip Hop Inaugural Ball on Monday, January 19th. The Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball is a black tie, charity fundraiser with proceeds going to support the non-profit work of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network’s education advocacy and empowerment programs for young adults across America. Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, Russell Simmons, LL Cool J, T.I. and Young Jeezy will host. Tickets are $500 and can be purchased on a first come, first served basis by going to http://www.hiphopinaugural.org/ or http://www.hsan.org/.
That event may fall out of your price range, but it seems like there will be a few choice things that may not break the bank. At least I hope, it is a recession is it not?
Another great site moderated by web producer Andrea Hardison is http://www.inaugurationevents.com/. Andrea's site is more of an informational blog and lists events where the decision makers, movers and shakers will be. So if you're going to take the time and money, make certain its worth the money. Rub some elbows, exhange some cards, and maybe hit somebody for a bailout on your student loans.
One thing for sure, it seems like this is turning into a NBA All-Star Weekend spin-off, you know how we do! Email your pics & stories if you care to share your experience.