
Monday, June 9, 2008

Get Out Of The Dark Ages....Start a Home DVD Library

::My Dream Home Theater::
(Just a photo to support this blog!!!)
I just finished watching a news report on the high costs of going to the movies. It runs a family of 3 about $45. Popcorn has gone up .50 to a $1, and so has the price of admission.
The report suggested that more people start turning to renting or Movies On-Demand.

Both of the options are a bad idea and a waste of money when compared to investing in a Home DVD Library.

Just this past week, I went to Wal-Mart and purchased 9 movies for $45. Titles such as "Thelma & Louise", "Stand By Me", "8 Mile", and tons of other titles were available 2 for $10. (I'm rebuilding my library from VHS).

No its not "Sex and the City" or the new Indiana Jones, but come this Fall, these movies will be $19.95 or less, and they will be yours to watch when you want. You don't have to wait for HBO to show it over and over again. And you won't have a monthly bill with no say on what you want to see.

For those that turn to bootleg movies, you are also wasting your money. Be patient its worth it. What's three months for a good picture and a movie you will treasure.

The downside to building a collection is you can't waste money on B.S movies. So you won't purchase "The Cookout" for example, but you may pick up "Soul Plane" for $5, but not $10.

I have my own quirky process in buying DVDs, and my library nows consists of over 300 titles that I've purchased since converting to DVD's in 2005. Each is a great movie and the majority cost me around $10.
I don't understand why more people don't do the same, its way cheaper than going to the movies, cable/satellite, or renting.
If television is your primary source of entertainment, its definitely time to start creating a home library with quality films, especially if you have a home theater system.
For tips and suggestions on how to get started, hit me up at!