What's so exclusive about a five minute interview where the host doesn't let the person answer the questions? And the constant reminder of not having a lot time? I take it that Oprah's producers threw this in after the verdict last week. It really showed they could care less.
The Natalee Holloway Case and Jennifer Garner-Affleck took a higher preference. Who's the boss?
Through all the Oprah-isms Marion had this to say: "I want people to understand that, you know, everybody makes mistakes. ... I truly think that a person's character is determined by their admission of their mistakes and then beyond that, what do I do about it?" Jones said via satellite from Austin, Texas, where she lives. "How can I change the lives of people? How can I use my story to change the life of a young person?"
In case you missed it, the kicker of the whole thing was Oprah telling Marion, "I'll talk to you when you get out of jail."
It was just 2001, a few months after Marion's triumph in the Olympics that Lady O, talked to three phenomenal women: Gloria Steinem, Toni Morrison, and MARION JONES!!! Watch Here.
The Natalee Holloway Case and Jennifer Garner-Affleck took a higher preference. Who's the boss?
Through all the Oprah-isms Marion had this to say: "I want people to understand that, you know, everybody makes mistakes. ... I truly think that a person's character is determined by their admission of their mistakes and then beyond that, what do I do about it?" Jones said via satellite from Austin, Texas, where she lives. "How can I change the lives of people? How can I use my story to change the life of a young person?"
In case you missed it, the kicker of the whole thing was Oprah telling Marion, "I'll talk to you when you get out of jail."
It was just 2001, a few months after Marion's triumph in the Olympics that Lady O, talked to three phenomenal women: Gloria Steinem, Toni Morrison, and MARION JONES!!! Watch Here.
That "I'll talk to you when you get out of jail," really resonated with me. She lied to investigators about a check fraud scam and about using steroids, she didn't kill anybody. What are we really concerned about in our society?
The heads of the entire operation, one dating back to 1988, were of course not forced to deal with the embarrassment. Victor Conte and Greg Anderson cut plea bargains, pled guilty to illegal steroid distribution and money laundering. Conte spent four months in prison. Anderson was incarcerated for 13 1/2 months. He was released this past November on the same day Barry Bonds was indicted.
So who are we really making examples out of? I always thought drug users and dealers got deals for leading authorities to the source, not the other way around.