I told ya'll Blood Diamonds are forever.
Jamaal Tinsley and his group were approached after leaving an Indianapolis club earlier this morning. Another group of people surrounded Tinsley's Rolls Royce and gave him a hard time about his cars and his money.
Tinsley's motorcade which included his Rolls, a Mercedes, and a Charger were being followed by two vehicles. So instead of driving home, he pulled into a hotel parking lot, where the assailants opened fire. The Pacers' equipment manager was hit in both elbows as he sat in the Rolls Royce. Tinsley's brother gave chase and returned fire. The Rolls Royce was hit several times and five bullets were found in the Charger. No one was seriously hurt. The equipment manager was treated and released.
When will this new generation of millionaires learn. You don't hang with common folk, you help the common folk. Going to the club doesn't make you appear down to earth or humble, you're just trying to show off.
There has been only one occasion that I have ever seen an athlete chill in the club and go unnoticed. I was standing right next to him and I just thought he looked like the dude. It was only confirmed when I noticed his platinum bracelet. But he wasn't flossin or anything. Unless you're unbelieveably tall, no one would even recognize an athlete in a crowded ass club unless you knew their face and you were up on them like I was. Other than that, if the DJ doesn't announce them or you don't see their diamonds sparkle in the strobelight, you wouldn't even pay them any mind. Keepin it real is, keepin it smart. Now Tinsley got a shot up Rolls Royce sitting in the garage.